Distribution Definition Directory Format ======================================== Distribution Definition Directory is a data structure used to define variables and static files when building a new distribution and updates to it. Distribution Definition Directory helps to separate data and script logic which are together used to build a distribution. The ideal situation would be when there would be no need to change the scripts when distribution versions and contents change. Root directory ============== The root directory contains files with variable contents which are used by the scripts to make changes in various places. Currently used are File name Contents in beta-2 distro-abbrev LEL release-file lineox-release release-name Lineox version 4 subversion 000b2 CD directory ============ Place here any files you want to be copied to the first installation CD and DVD. In addition there is one special subdirectory called base. Is a file named comps.xml.patch is found there, the comps.xml file in the first CD/DVD subdirectory ${RELEASE-NAME}/base will be patched. SOURCES directory ================= This directory may contain subdirectories which have the same basename as tar balls in the SOURCES directory in the build environment. If the tar ball is found, the most recent is extracted and the file(s) are copied from subdirectories recursively. If you wish for example to add Finnish translation file to system-config-http and it is in the subdirectory po in the tar ball, create a subdirectory system-config-http/po and copy your fi.po file there. All the new tar ball files will have additional version suffix which is read from distro-abbrev file. This suffix is also added to the version number in the corresponding spec file. You may also add any files to SOURCES directory, but they are not processed in any way, they are simply copied to the SOURCES directory in the build environment. If they are not listed in the spec files, you must create a patch and place it in the SPECS directory. Graphics files in the SOURCES directory ======================================= post-install-sources.tar.gz =========================== post-install-sources.tar.gz contains RHEL-gdm-theme-0.1.tar.gz which contains: login-box.png 377x177 256 colors GDM login box background. /usr/share/gdm/themes/RHEL/login-box.png in installed system. redhat_logo.png 212x81 256 colors Distribution logo in the GDM login screen lower left corner. /usr/share/gdm/themes/RHEL/redhat_logo.png in installed system. powered_by_rh.png ================= powered_by_rh.png 87x40 256 colors Apache default page powered by logo redhat-artwork-add.tar.gz ========================= redhat-artwork-add.tar.gz contains a directory tree with different size icons. In the lowest directories there are two files: gnome-main-menu.png Gnome main menu icon kmenu.png KDE main menu icon They are all 256 color files and the size depends on the directory name. There are 48x48, 36x36, 32x32, 24x24, and 16x16 sized files. The directory names follow the pattern art/icon/Bluecurve/sheets/Bluecurve//apps/ In the installed system they can be found at /usr/share/icons/Bluecurve//apps/. redhat-logos-1.1.20.LEL.tar.bz2 =============================== redhat-logos-1.1.20.LEL.tar.bz2 contains many subdirectories. The highest level on is called redhat-logos-1.1.20. and below it are: anaconda These files are used by anaconda during the installation process. A basic description/specification for them is as follows: * anaconda_header.png: This is strip header at the top of the screen during the install. 800x58, 256 colors. * first.png: The splash image that is displayed while anaconda is starting up. 800x600, 256 colors. * first-lowres.png: Splash image similar to first.png used in lowres. 640x480, 256 colors. * progress_first.png: First graphic displayed during package installation. If there are no rnotes, this is displayed the entire time. 500x325, 256 colors. This picture is centered so it can also be smaller. * progress_first-375.png: Lowres version of progress_first.png. 353x170, 256 colors. * splash.png: Splash screen shown on the "Welcome to ..." screen. 400x420, 256 colors. This picture is centered so it can also be smaller. * syslinux-splash.png: Splash screen used at the boot prompt with syslinux/isolinux. This gets transformed into the syslinux specific format. 640x300, use only 14 colors. bootloader grub-splash.png PNG 640x480+0+0 PseudoClass 14c 8-bit. Grub splash can contain only 14 colors because text and text background need two. grub-splash.xpm.gz same as above in a different format rhlilo-en.pcx PCX 320x200+0+0 PseudoClass 256c 8-bit rhlilo-ja.pcx PCX 320x200+0+0 PseudoClass 256c 8-bit Lilo boot screen in English and Japanese. firstboot firstboot-header.png PNG 800x58+0+0 PseudoClass 256c 8-bit shadowman-round-48.png PNG 48x48+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit splash-small.png PNG 550x200+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit workstation.png PNG 48x48+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit gdm rh_logo-header.png PNG 400x130+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit gnome-splash gnome-splash.png PNG 640x300+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit (is currently 500x330) kde-splash splash_active_bar.png PNG 400x60+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit splash_bottom.png PNG 400x16+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit splash_inactive_bar.png PNG 400x60+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit splash_top.png PNG 400x244+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit Only splash_top.png needs to be replaced. pixmaps redhat-credits.png PNG 161x160+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit redhat-pixmaps gnome-startup.png PNG 340x380+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit redhat-emboss.png PNG 697x283+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit redhat.tif TIFF 1340x512+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit redhat-transparent.png PNG 1340x512+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit redhat-292.png PNG 293x128+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit redhat-292.xbm XBM 293x128+0+0 PseudoClass 2c 8-bit shadowman-mini.png PNG 16x16+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit 731.0 0.000u 0:01 shadowman-mini.xpm XPM 16x16+0+0 DirectClass 16-bit 3.2k 0.000u 0:01 shadowman-round-mini.xpm XPM 16x16+0+0 DirectClass 16-bit 1.4k 0.000u 0:01 shadowman-round-32.xpm XPM 32x32+0+0 DirectClass 16-bit 4.7k 0.000u 0:01 shadowman-round-48.png PNG 48x48+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit 3.0k 0.000u 0:01 shadowman-round-48.xpm XPM 48x48+0+0 DirectClass 16-bit 8.6k 0.000u 0:01 shadowman-transparent.png PNG 517x515+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit 43.1k 0.010u 0:01 shadowman-200.png PNG 200x200+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit 13.6k 0.000u 0:01 shadowman-32.png PNG 32x32+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit 1.8k 0.000u 0:01 shadowman-32.xpm XPM 32x32+0+0 DirectClass 16-bit 9.9k 0.010u 0:01 shadowman-48.png PNG 48x48+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit 3.4k 0.000u 0:01 shadowman-48.xpm XPM 48x48+0+0 DirectClass 16-bit 19.7k 0.010u 0:01 shadowman-64.png PNG 64x64+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit 5.3k 0.000u 0:01 shadowman-64.xpm XPM 64x64+0+0 DirectClass 16-bit There are also various versions of rpm logo, but those can be used as is because rpm is GPL software and rpm logos are rpm package related, not distribution related. SPECS directory =============== This directory may contain *.spec files which are just copied to SPECS directory in the build environment if there is already a spec file with the same name. It may also contain *.spec.patch files which are used to patch matching *.spec files. To prepare a patch file, use the following procedure: Copy the original to a new name, e.g. cp kernel-2.6.spec kernel-2.6.spec.LEL Now edit the copy: emacs kernel-2.6.spec.LEL What changes you make, is up to you. When you are ready, create the patch: diff -u kernel-2.6.spec kernel-2.6.spec.LEL > \ ${DISTRO}/SPECS/kernel-2.6.spec.patch You may test the patch, but copy first the original: cp kernel-2.6.spec kernel-2.6.spec.org patch < ${DISTRO}/SPECS/kernel-2.6.spec.patch patching file kernel-2.6.spec Now copy the orinal back: cp kernel-2.6.spec.org kernel-2.6.spec If the patch program didn't complain, the patch is OK, but you should also check that the changes made to the spec file are OK, but if encounter problems, this document won't help you. Look for example documentation available from www.rpm.org. x86_64/RPMS directory ===================== i386-list Contains package basenames of i386 packages i686-list Contains package basenames of i686 packages